Implementation of VR-based learning environments-Theoretical frame of reference and practical application.

This paper applies a frame of reference to systematize the advantages and disadvantages of such learning scenarios, especially on didactic, economic and technological levels.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marius Brade
Maximilian Georg Liebscher
Jonathan Dyrna
Helge Fischer
For decades, professional discourse on the use of VR-based learning environments in education has often emphasized their opportunities over their limitations in a rather unsystematic way. The present article applies a framework to systematize examples of the advantages and disadvantages of such learning scenarios, with particular focus on the didactic, economic and technological dimensions. It further describes a practical use case that attempts to exploit the potentials of using VR-based learning environments for educational purposes while adequately addressing its challenges.
Link to: PDF (German)
Link to: PDF (German)
Your contact for questions

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marius Brade
Author: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marius Brade, Maximilian Georg Liebscher, Jonathan Dyrna, Helge Fischer
Last modified: 12.05.2022 08:12 Uhr
Created at: 06.05.2022 10:56 Uhr
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Campus Straßburger Platz
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Campus Straßburger Platz
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Prof. Dr. Marius Brade
Tel.: +49 351 4445 409
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Prof. Dr. Marius Brade