The transdisciplinary New Work Design Lab focuses on application-oriented research and development in the intersection of user experience design, gamification, software development and cognitive ergonomics. It represents the FHD's field of competence for Digital Business & New Work.
The goal is to enable users to experience a flow state while working, thinking and learning.
The goal is to enable users to experience a flow state while working, thinking and learning.
We support projects as a research and implementation partner from prototype development to pre-competitive realization through a user-centered, test-driven approach.
The central goal of our research and development activities is to bring the results into use, thus accompanying the transfer from idea to exploitation.
We consult on product development processes and methods with regard to user-centered, test-driven approaches for a user experience that is in line with the target group.
We actively drive change processes with our impactful projects. Our team works with a strong focus on application-oriented research and development in the intersection of user experience design, gamification, software development and cognitive ergonomics. Our partners come from a wide range within the research sector.

Virtual Reality
Safety first - Virtual Reality Training in the E-Trade
Development of a VR learning application as a microlearning unit for training occupations in the e-trade

Augmented Reality
DInA-Elektro - AR-Assistent
Development of an AR application for apprenticeships in the electrical trade
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You would like to contact us? We are here for you!
Do you have questions, criticism or suggestions? Then write to us via the contact form. You can also reach us by e-mail and telephone.
We are looking forward to your message!
Do you have questions, criticism or suggestions? Then write to us via the contact form. You can also reach us by e-mail and telephone.
We are looking forward to your message!
New Work Design Lab
at the Fachhochschule Dresden (FHD)
Campus Straßburger Platz
Güntzstr. 1, 01069 Dresden
at the Fachhochschule Dresden (FHD)
Campus Straßburger Platz
Güntzstr. 1, 01069 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 4445 409
Fax: +49 351 4445 410
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Marius Brade
E-Mail: m.brade@fh-dresden.eu
Tel.: +49 351 4445 409
Fax: +49 351 4445 410
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Marius Brade
E-Mail: m.brade@fh-dresden.eu
We regularly host events on various topics or focus areas. We have made it our mission to bring together our network of interesting personalities through our events in order to promote personal exchange between partners and our colleagues and to establish a sustainable networking platform. NWDL's event formats range from on-site events at FHD to online events. Do you have questions about our events or would you like to be included in our newsletter, which will keep you informed about all news and events? Then feel free to email us at: info@newworkdesignlab.org
02. Jun 2022

FHD1515: Schwarmintelligenz vs. Hierarchie - Was macht gute menschliche Führung aus?
Wir erleben aktuell mehrere Krisen und Konflikte. Dadurch sind viele Dinge, die bis dato als sicher galten, plötzlich in Frage gestellt. Bei diesem Event diskutieren Vera Schneevoigt (Chief Digital Officer bei Bosch Building Technologies) und Prof. Dr. Marius Brade (Professor für Medieninformatik / New Work Design Lab) wie Innovation in unsicheren Zeiten aussehen und begünstigt werden kann. Was gibt uns Menschen Sicherheit? Wie sieht gute menschliche Führung dabei aus?
25. Mar 2022

Workshop on "Learning from Experiences on Hybrid and Online Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond - Consequences for Future Teaching and Research"
In this interactive format, the authors plan to approach together with stakeholders the definition of pragmatic requirements for all participants of the educational process.
11. Oct 2021

Der Workshop richtet sich an alle Gründungsinteressierte und Gründungsteams, welche Methoden des UX Designs & Prototypings und der Produktentwicklung kennenlernen und ausprobieren möchten.
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